Biggest special order in history

The BIGGEST SPECIAL ORDER ever in the HYCON history is running through our factory these days.

  • 230 power packs with integrated pressure booster  -  read more about power packs here
  • 230 Rock Drills and in addition various hoses  -  read more about rock drills here

When all products are mounted and packed they will be delivered during spring 2019 to a customer in Asia.

The biggest special order in the HYCON history


Orders like this gives a lot of extra activity in our production facility, and it is a pleasure to see the team spirit amongst our employees.
All doing their utmost to deliver high quality to our customers.



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+45 9647 5200 /

HYCON product range 

We offer a wide range of handheld hydraulic tools for various segments and applications.
Please take a look, and contact us if you have any questions, queries or the like.

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